Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How The Heck Have You Been?! & Quick Update!!!

Oh My Goodness!!!! 

How is everyone doing? 

I remember when I started this blog, I was so pumped and excited about it and then…. Life… happened. LOL. 

Wow, but quick update. Since my last update, I had another (BEAUTIFUL) baby (girl) – Tskylar Kai Green.  :)

Last month we celebrated both Ezaias’ & Tskylar’s birthday with a Football/Cheerleader themed party!

Here is the cute invitation we got from Invitation Blvd on Etsy!!

And here are a few pictures that from the photo shoot we had before their party started. 

Tsky's Tutu Dress - Courtesy of 4EverTuTu on Etsy. 

I am so interested to hear how everyone is doing and what they have been up to!!!! You turn!!

Btw, I may need to change the name of this blog. We are waiting NO MORE green beans! J LOL