I am 14 weeks pregnant this week - thank God! :) I am very grateful to have made it to my 2nd trimester. Lets see what our lil one is up to this week:
Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.Here's what our lil green bean may look like this week:

How Far Along? 14 weeks
Symptoms: Nausea, cramps in my calves, enlarged breasts (I have gone up a cup size), HUNGER
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6 lbs (according to the scale at work) - eeeek! Still trying to grasp this weight gain thing!
Sleep: has been pretty ok. I haven't had many issues except for the occasional waking up because of gas or nausea, but I usually fall right back asleep. I have been sleeping in every single morning though! Oh and I noticed that I have been sleeping on my back alot - I know I will have to stop that soon.
Food Cravings: Still nothing really Well nothing consistently. I am always hungry, but usually just eat what's available (despite the nausea).
Best Moment This Week: Well it wasn't this week, but about 2 weeks ago we went in to the do the test for down syndrome, spina bifida and heart defects. We had an ultrasound done and it was soooo awesome. Tears came to my eyes. It was at that moment, reality hit, like omg - there is really a baby in there! It was amazing and I thanked God for his amazing creation! We saw the baby moving and its arms we crossed and all. It was sooooo cute! Oh and with the test - so far so good. We will do the second part of the test next week!
Movement: Aint nothing but gas! LOL
Labor Signs: Yeah, uh, as excited as we are to meet this bundle, that's not happening anytime soon!
Gender: I am still totally unsure! Hubby is rooting for a boy though!
Belly Button In Or Out? Innie!
What I Miss: My waistline! LOL Having a normal appetite and just being myself
What I Am Looking Forward To: My next ultrasound. I believe that's when we will find out the sex of our lil one.
Milestones: Making it to the 2nd trimester!
Weekly Wisdom: Save money! There will be alot of expenses once the baby comes along (and even before, if your insurance doesn't cover certain things). You will want to have a little cushion in the bank.
What do you remember from your 14th week?