Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maternity Leave, Maternity Pictures & More

Hello Everyone!!! I know, I know. I ve been slacking - on blogging, that is! In other areas of my life I have been soooo busy. I have a few free moments tonight (while Lil. Eazy's clothes are washing), so I just wanted to drop in and say hello!! :) 

Maternity Leave

Today, I am 37 weeks pregnant (yay for full term) and I am feeling pretty tired, especially after a long day of work and then making a stop afterwards. I guess its better than yesterday when I stayed at work until 9:30! I had sooo much to do. I am training a temp and also have other tasks to complete before I leave. In my Maternity Leave? post I discussed that I would be having a talk with my boss about my leave... AND the time has come.  My last day is Friday! Imagine the anxiety!! But I am confident that everything will be fine. Until the baby arrives (while I am at home), I will be logging in periodically to route emails to the correct place and just to make sure that my temp is ok. My plan is to return to work on July 5th (I will keep you posted on that). 

People keep asking me what I'm going to do on my leave.  Some people think that I will be extremely bored. However, I have PLENTY to do. I still haven't selected Lil Eazy's pediatrician and I still need to research daycares. That will keep me plenty busy! Plus, we're still working on the nursery.

Maternity Pics

In the very beginning of the year, hubby and I took some maternity pics. I was a little iffy about taking them, but I am soo glad we did! Let me know what you think! 

What did you do while you were on maternity leave? Do you have any advice for me in regards to pediatrician's and daycares? Do you love our pics?? hehe Looking forward to hearing from you!!


  1. I love those pics! Some of them are even rather sexy which I think is really cute. Hubs still really digs his wife!

    On mat leave I rested as much as I could. I already had a doc picked out and I knew where I was sending her for daycare.

  2. I love your pics! Hubby wants to do some more
    But between the stretchmarks and the hairiness my belly isn't very pretty! During mat leave, I plan to cook up tons of meals for the freezer so after the birth, hubby doesn't have to worry coz we'll both be tired. I'm also putting finishing touches to lil bean's nursery and his quilt that I'm making for him. Pleas try not to worry about your job. Everything will turn out right. :-)

  3. Doing Baby's washing is one of the most exciting things I found...all those cute tiny outfits! And it occurred to me that our precious Baby will actually be wearing them so very soon!
    Great pics btw, such a beautiful belly :)


I love reading your comments! Every bit of advice and input is helpful - trust me! :) I may not always have a chance to respond to every single comment, but I do read them all!