Now, I have been doing lots of research on TTC (trying to conceive) because I wanted to be prepared as soon as we were "ready". So on my last cycle, I started charting my temperatures and using OPKs - just to get an idea of my "fertile times". I didnt want to get pregnant just yet!
Fast forward to my next cycle which began on June 2nd. I continued to chart my temps and use OPKs. I felt as if it may take some time for me to get used to my cycle and pinpoint my ovulation and "fertile times".
Anyway, if my calculations are correct, I ovulated on June 19th (the day of the concert). Hubby and I had sex several times that week and I prayed that we got the timing right. Despite my hopes and prayers, I thought that there was no way we would conceive right away.
Now, Monday June 28th (Day 27 of my cycle) I had cramps and just assumed that it may have been pre-menstrual cramps. I even grabbed a few pads from my drawer so that I'd be prepared. I mean, I hoped that it was early pregnancy cramps, but come on, what are the chances? I thought to myself that I'd take a pregnancy test on July 4th (my birthday - CD 32) if my period didnt come, but I also was iffy about that because I didnt want to be disappointed on my birthday (if it was negative).
So, Tuesday, I came home from work and started to get ready for the gym (Btw, I just reinstated my gym membership on Monday, so that I could whip my body back into shape before I got pregnant). While getting ready, something said - go take a pregnancy test. I mean it was a spur of the moment thing, I hadnt thought about it all day. So I figured, hey, what do I have to lose? Its probably too early test anyway.
I had a few of those test strips ( where one line means negative - two lines mean positive) and performed the test. I left the bathroom and kinda forgot about it as I went to put on my gym clothes. I came back to the bathroom and OH EM GEE... there was a FAINT second line. I, no lie, stood there and stared at the strip for a good three minutes without moving. I was like nahhhh, this is WRONG, this cant be right!
I went to the gym and went to the hip hop dance class. I didnt say anything to anyone - not even hubby. I was kind of doubting. I finished the class, left the gym and went to my friend's house to get ready because we were going to see Eclipse. Honestly, I couldn't focus on anything besides what MAY be happening in my body! So, we went to the movies and I should have known something was up because I ALWAYS eat popcorn and skittles at the movies and even though my friend had some, I didnt touch it. I didnt desire it at all!
I got back to my friend's house around 2 am, but I just needed to get another pregnancy test. Hubby was at home asleep with our god daughter, so I knew he wouldnt notice if I came home a little later than if I would have come straight home. So, I went to Wal-Mart and the first thing I did was go to the baby section, then I went to get a pregnancy test.
I came home and went to sleep after 3 am. Hubby usually wakes up around 7 am to go to school, so I wanted to wake up before that to take the test. So, I woke up before 7 and went to take a the test I purchased a few hours prior. It was the clear blue easy digital test and in about 30 seconds this is what I saw:
I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed the gift bag that I purchased from Walmart and this:
Lol, can you believe it was the ONLY thing that Wal-Mart had that said "Daddy". So I wrapped up the pregnancy test in the onesie, but it in the gift bag and got back in bed with hubby and my god daughter.
Me: What time are you waking up?
Hubby: 7:15
Me: Well I think you should wake up now. I have something for you!
Hubby had the most confused look on his face! lol I handed him the bag
Me: There are two things in the bag, make sure you take out both
The first thing he took out was the onsie and his big smile started to appear.
Me: There's something else in the bag.
Hubby: (with the HUGEST smile on his face) Whats in the bag?? (It was as if he was scared to look).
He took the pregnancy test out and tears immediately started flowing from his eyes as he climbed on top of me and hugged me. He stayed there for a while and sobbed. By this time, our 11 month old god daughter was awake - still laying down, but looking around like "What is going on?"
This is her playing with hubby's new "gift":

After that, we just sat and enjoyed each other's company and talked about our future. I must honestly say that I was still doubting. I said to hubby "What if they're wrong? Should I take another one?" LOL. I was just so in shock!
There is so much more that I want to talk about, but this post is long enough! I will update you guys with other posts later. So for all of you would wondered if AF ruined my birthday (thanks for checking on me btw! ) - the answer is NO! :) I got the BEST birthday gift ever!!!
I am SO grateful to God, but that's another post all in itself!!! :)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I was hoping that AF would stay away, this is the greatest news ever!! Congrats to you and your hubby! I can't wait to see your weekly updates! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd do cartwheels if I could!!
ReplyDeleteawww, congratulations!i wish you a healthy, happy pregnancy! What a wonderful birthday gift!
ReplyDeleteYAY! God bless you guys...Get ready, get ready, get ready!
ReplyDeleteAwww congratulations! Prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so thrilled =) Yay! The Green Bean awaits.. I hope you know soon as he/she is born it is no longer about you lol! J/K! =)!!! *Squeals*
ReplyDeleteYaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!! Congrats Girl!!! I'm so happy for you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!!!! I knew you had something up you sleeve when you told me to stay tuned!!!! Girl, I was scrolling down my blog updates and I saw a pregnancy test pic and wanted to scream LOL. I'm so happy for you, your hubby and the little green bean. Praying that the balance of your pregnancy be healthy and that we see a healthy little come March (I'm guessing). When is your expected due date? When is your dr appt (girl, I'm all ahead of you, LOL, let me simmer down).
ReplyDeleteSO excited for you! I had the biggest smile on my face through this whole post. CONGRATULATIONS to you, hubby, and your little green bean!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! I had been wondering the last couple days if AF ruined your bday!! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to follow your journey!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! I am so excited for you, Green Bean is on his/her way!!
ReplyDeleteYAY your Green Bean is fast approaching. Congrats to you guys!!
ReplyDeleteWow! So, so happy for you girl!
ReplyDeleteIndeed that was a perfect birthday present! Kisses :)!
Thanks soooo much ladies! I appreciate all the love and support. I think Im gonna need that alot on the months to come!
ReplyDeleteLol @ Mrs. V. Please no cartwheels. Well not now @ least!
Alicia.. u re RUDE! LOL
Ms. Understood, Lol, I love the excitement!!! :) My due date is March 9, 2011!!
Thanks again everyone else!! **Lots of hugs**
YAY!!! What a blessing. I'm so happy for you - and {selfishly, lol} excited to read all about your pregnancy journey! Hope you post bump pictures!! :)
ReplyDeleteOH YEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! congrats congrats girl! TOO EXCITING!
ReplyDeleteI had to comment twice because I just love, love, LOVE this post! I'm super excited!!! Okay, I'll hold off on the cartwheels for now, but I can't promise that I won't do a few when I hit 37 weeks! LOL!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! :D How exciting!!
ReplyDeleteTsahai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was the best thing I've read all week. I read the whole thing and didn't realize I was cheesing hard the whole time until my cheeks started hurting. I am sooooooo happy for you. I was like, I thought she said 2010, and then I realized that we are in 2010. Times flies. Well girly, I pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy. That God cover you, hubby, and baby. And that He strengthen your foundation during this time. Keep me posted! I'll be adding this page to my favorites and checkin up on ya.
ReplyDeleteI keep coming back here hoping to see an update. How have you been feeling? Any morning sickness? Any questions? Hope to hear from you soon!
ReplyDeletecongratulations - yay!
ReplyDeleteWow! I can't believe I didn't leave a comment for this .. Yeah girl you know you got my "Congratulations" .. I'm so happy Riyya was involved. And I'm glad she'll always have this memory